Our Activities

Modalities of operation

The work program of the Network will be proposed by the Secretariat on a yearly basis and submitted to the Advisory Group for inputs, discussion and approval. The key broad annual activities of the African Think Tank Network will be:

  • Annual Africa Think Tank Summit
  • Consultative Forums (according to needs and resources, targeting specific countries, themes and/or actors)
  • Targeted trainings and exchange programs for learning and exchange of experience
  • On demand interventions/initiatives
  • Production and dissemination of knowledge products and services
  • Participation to diverse events organized by regional, continental or international organizations

The working modalities of the members shall consist of face-to-face meetings, plus conference calls and written communication as appropriate.


The overarching objective of the African Think Tank Network is to provide a platform for information sharing, exchange of ideas, knowledge creation and dissemination, and creating partnerships among think tanks in order to individually and collectively develop evidence-based solutions to the pressing development challenges facing Africa.

The specific objectives of the Network are to:

  • Create a space for knowledge sharing and mutual learning around the role and importance of think tanks for effective policy impacts and development results;
  • Facilitate partnership and networking among think tanks in Africa and teasing out ideas that could be jointly promoted at the continental and global levels;
  • Strengthen TTs voices in continental and global development challenges by creating the platform to offer policy advices and contributions to such discourses through common positions;
  • Facilitate the mentoring of young think tanks through staff exchanges and training;
  • Reach out to all stakeholders and economic actors (public and private sectors, non-state actors, media, etc.) for coordinated interventions;
  • Facilitate the development of media and public engagement training programs;
  • Create knowledge sharing platform that focuses on research, capacity building and best practices;
  • Develop a database/resource center related to think tanks in Africa so as to identify comparative advantages; and
  • Promote a platform of collaboration between political leaders and Think Tanks for effective implementation of development strategies at the country level.


Proposed Activities

  • Annual Africa Think Tank Summit
  • Consultative Forums
  • Targeted trainings and exchange programs
  • On demand interventions/initiaties
  • Production and dissemination of knowledge products and services
  • Participation to regional, continental or international events

Click here to download the proposed activities of the African Think Tank Network